The New SL Marketplace certainly has some advantages over Xstreet (as it were), but unfortunately I can see that there are still various teething problems.
Issues with migration, images that were set as default & replaced by secondary ones as well as inventory not being listed at all due to associated image being too small, have all hampered efforts by merchants to get their 'shit in order' (& by shit, I actually mean quality merchandise).
I initially assumed that all was well (with regard to my own online store), only to log in to see that 24 of my items had been withheld from listing due to some of the issues that have already been mentioned above. I spent well over an hour correcting everything that was awry. Hmmm.
However, its not all bad news. Like I said at the very beginning of this post, I can see a few distinct advantages with this new system.
Firstly, you can associate listings with others of the like (for example, I linked my crossed sequined halter in Cold Fusion to the same in Bermuda Splash). I can see that this would help to boost sales.
Quick & painless. Nice idea, LL.
Secondly, listings somehow appear to be more orderly. I'm not able to put a finger on exactly how or why or whats changed, but it certainly looks 'neater' (you'll have to excuse me, I'm having an off-day).
Don't quote me on this last one (because I only heard it through the grapevine), but apparently LL will no longer be pick-pocketing merchants for commissions on sales. That puts a smile on my dial.
So there you have it folks. The good, the bad and the ugly (from the inside perspective of an SL Merchant).
Fart x
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