Saturday, September 11, 2010

FART FREQUENCY REMIX - listen to the lyrics ;)

For crying out loud, scroll down & click on the play button. Go ahead, don't be shy!

Based on Fa Fa Fa (Jump Jump Dance), I added the words "I need a" (from the start of the tune) to a section mid-way through the same song. Combined, the result is interesting & sounds like something entirely different to what I'd imagine the original artist would have intended :p

Now you might wondering why the hell I decided to do this.

Basically, I needed to create a gesture in-world to give to my loyal customer-base. The uploaded sound was accompanied by a fist-pumping action at the very intro. The result? Quite funny indeed :D

Yes, I am aware that it is short and sweet, but you'd be surprised how long this actually took to create (an hour or two would be an under-estimate).

N.B. The original song (with the original lyrics) is here :

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